A Year of Milestone Photos!
I've talked about my Petite Grow With Me Plan before but I'm not sure I always explain it fully. So, let me try again! Whenever you book a newborn session with Applegum Photography you also get to bring your baby into the studio the first Saturday of the month between the hours of 11-1 to get a free petite milestone session and 1 free image up to your baby's first birthday. That's up to 12 free mini sessions included with a newborn session! I love getting to watch the newborns grow up and get their little personalities and it's a way that I can say thank you to my clients for choosing me as their newborn photographer. Message me for more information about booking your newborn session with me and get your baby's first year included as a gift from me! <3

Applegum Photography is the premier baby and child photographer serving Fairbanks, Alaska including North Pole, Fort Wainwright and Eielson AFB.